Inspirational phrases

There are moments in parenting when your child will knock one out of the park, win the science fair or get three soccer goals in one games. Then, there will be the times when something they try won’t come as easy for them as you would have hoped. They may have trouble learning to swim, have a hard time understanding math or they may fall a million times at gymnastics. Just when you’re about as ready as they are to throw in the towel, you remember that all moments are teaching moments for your children and you know the best lesson they can possibly learn is to try even  if they might not succeed in the end. Teaching your children to try your best is one of the best things you can do for their future. They’ll build experience and learn how to handle the highs and lows that will ultimately come throughout their life. Here are 9 inspirational phrases you can tell your kid as they journey through this rollercoaster we call life.

Phrase 1: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!”

This is an oldie but a goodie and probably something you heard throughout your childhood. Did you know that Thomas Edison had 1000 unsuccessful attempts at creating the light bulb? What if he would have given up before that one time he actually created light? Would we still be writing this by candlelight? It’s important to teach your children that nothing is a failure, but instead a learning process by which they can improve themselves for their next attempt.

Phrase 2: “You can do it!”

Sometimes a child will perform better by simply having a cheerleader in their corner. Showing positivity and encouragement to your children is the prime way to make sure they feel inspired to try something new. By knowing that you are a safe place for them to land and that they have your support, they’ll be able to try new things without worrying about succeeding or failing.

Phrase 3: “Winning doesn’t matter; It’s how you play the game.”

True that! Your child might be upset about a big loss but you can calm the sting by reminding them that they only have in their power the ability to do their best. Once they’ve done their best, the cards will fall where they fall.  Teaching them that there is beauty in the learning process of losing can help them find good in all types of situations and help them push forward in adverse situations.

Phrase 4: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think!” —Christopher Robin.

Teaching your child to find their inner strength is an important part of development. They need to know that they are brave and resilient and this comes from practicing the skill of inner strength. Teach them to rely on their intuitions and to believe in their choices.

Phrase 5: “Above all else, be kind.”

In today’s world, it’s important to be kind to those around you. Teach children that differences make us unique and beautiful. Let them see in you how to be respectful to one another and how to treat others the way you want to be treated. Seeing you try this out on a daily basis will ensure they try to be a kinder person when you’re not around as well. It is the golden rule after all!

Phrase 6: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” —Albert Einstein

Don’t teach your child to be perfect but instead teach them the importance of exploration and wonder. Getting stuck in the same routine means you’re not getting out there and inventing something new. Encourage your child’s curiosity and encourage them to explore the world around them!

Phrase 7: “Do You!”

You might have heard this in recent millennial speak and it’s the most honest thing we’ve heard in a long time. “Do you, because I’m gonna do me!” Absolutely! Teach your child that they are an inspiring, unique and beautiful soul just the way they are. In fact, that’s what makes them the best. Encourage them to try a new fashion, go out on a limb to audition for a play or try out for a new sport. Doing what makes them happy now is a key to figuring it all out later.

Phrase 8: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”

This is an old one but it still rings tried and true. If you’re handed lemons, do something about it and make some lemonade! If your child faces a hard situation, instead of shutting down, teach your child to power through and handle the problem.

Phrase 9: “No matter what, I love you!”

Everything is possible if a child knows that their existence is rooted in love. Make sure to tell you child that you are proud of them and you love them every day. They are precious gifts that have the world at their fingertips.   About the Author: Tracy E. Brown is a journalist and educator with over 14 years of experience working in the field of Child Development. She is currently the Assistant Editor of Black Dress/Red Wagon Magazine in Atlanta, Ga. and previous Associate Editor at Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine. She previously taught preschool at the Goddard School in Farragut, Tennessee and taught Kindergarten for Dekalb County Schools in Atlanta. Other writing credits include the Green Building Research Institute, London’s, WBIR Channel 10 News, PBS, Duke University and American Airlines. She is also a mom to three adorable little ones.

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