What is Positive Parenting?

When it comes to parenting there’s no one-size-fits-all approach but there is a whole slew of different labels! Gentle parent, attachment parent, helicopter parent, tiger mum (are there not tiger dads!?) and so on. Labels aren’t always helpful, but some insight into what they represent might be, so what...

kids dealing with stress

How to Help Kids Cope with Stress

We often think of stress or being “stressed out” as being an adult problem, but the truth is that kids experience stress too. So here we take a look at what stress is, how stress can be beneficial to children, and some of the ways that we can help...

Helping Your Little One Learn To Read

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Joseph Addison, British Playwright   Reading is the gateway activity to all other learning.  Mastering this skill occurs at different times for different children, but it is essential to know how to help your child learn to read.  With your...

how to choose a preschool

How to Choose a Preschool

Choosing a preschool for your child is an important and complex decision. As well as wanting a happy, nurturing environment that supports your family’s own aims and values you’re also looking to balance cost, convenience and many other factors. This guide aims to help you as you consider which...

educational series for kids

Benefits of “The Incredible Stories of Bimi Boo and friends”

Children love to watch cartoons and parents love to watch their children learning: The Incredible Stories of Bimi Boo and friends is a series that appeals to both adults and children alike. This cute cartoon series about the adventures of a curious puppy, Bimi Boo, and his diverse group...
