6 Fun Activities to Improve Kids’ Memory

Why Memory is Important for Children The family vacation, the day you brought home a new pet, the time your child mastered a new skill–these are all moments to remember.  But why is memory important for kids, and how can you help improve your child’s memory? We know that memory is...

Indoor Playdates Ideas for Kids

Children love to play, and nothing beats their excitement when it comes to playdates. Playdates are the perfect way your child can socialize and make new friends without involving a lot of labor or extravagant work. The best part of playdates is that parents get to watch their little...

10 Rockin’ No-Snow Winter Activities For Kids

For those nestled near the Equator and far away from the Arctic tundra, there isn’t much hope of a White Christmas.  But if you live in the Southern region, don’t worry; There are plenty of winter activities that will make you feel all the holiday happiness without one single...

Snow Play The Safe Way!

Winter has arrived, and there’s no greater feeling for your little ones than the opportunity to stay home from school and experience a “Snow Day”! Whether you live in a place that gets a foot of snow each week during the season or just one big snowfall each year,...

Introducing Sports to the Little Ones

Starting Sports Playing a sport can help your child in so many different ways. Physically, your child can increase their fine motor skills and help stave off obesity. Socially, they can learn to make friends and work in a team. Cognitively, sports will help your child process constructive criticism...

The Power of Pretend Play

One of the most important things you can do for your child is to let them spend time pretending and playing. Children learn how to handle social situations by acting them out through different scenarios. This form of pretending can actually prepare them to enter school and interact with...

Toddler & devices: Setting Limits

In today’s fast-paced, technologically savvy world, it’s important to introduce your children to activities that help foster a love for the tech world. But can watching T.V. and spending time on electronic devices become a problem for your youngster? Research shows that the problem comes when children spend too...

Outdoor Activities Your Kids Will Love

In the last 20 years, there’s been a huge reduction in the amount of time that children spend outdoors. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences says that a lack of outdoor time can have serious repercussions for your child’s health. Spending time in nature can actually help decrease...

When Its Too Cold to Play Outside

The average child spends seven hours a day behind a screen of some sort, despite the fact that experts recommend much less. Managing screen time is a constant struggle for today’s parents, but it’s particularly difficult during the winter months. During other times of the year, moms and dads...

The Cold Games. Introducing Winter Sports to Kids

As the temperature starts to drop, all those fun afternoons outside usually come to an end too. But what if this year, you could get your kids interested in a new sport – a winter sport. Sure, football and soccer get all the glory during the warm weather months...