Essential Skills That Kids Should Have

Essential Skills That Kids Should Have by The Age 5

Not every child will grow up to work in the corporate industry or the health sector. However, they will all grow into an adult one day. Your child will need to learn the appropriate skills needed for resilience and navigating life as an adult. From as early as five years, they...

Make School Mornings Easier for Kids

How to Make School Mornings Easier

There is no doubt that school mornings are usually very stressful for everyone. Children think and act differently from adults, so following a repeated routine, every day is not fun. Most days, to show their displeasure, your kids will throw tantrums when you try to get them dressed, fed, or ready...

Household tasks as chores for children

Chores for Kids

The topic of household tasks as chores for children is a difficult one to explore. It’s difficult for the kids since they’d rather live in a world without chores. It’s difficult for the busy parent because they know that to be successful, they must select the perfect age-appropriate chore,...

Family Bonding Activities

The value of family bonds is profound. We are social animals, and together we create a family that supports us in ways we can never understand. Several activities can be done at home to help bond you and your children together.  The family bond is genuinely Resonant Psychology at its finest. Being...

Preschool checklist for your kids

Preschool Checklist

Looking for a great Preschool Checklist for kids? Have you found one yet? If you are a parent that wants to make sure that your child is ready for the new learning experience, a preschool checklist can really help.  This is because a good preschool checklist will include the most...

Improve Your Kid’s Creative Skills

How to Develop Creativity in Kids

Cultivating your little one’s creativity is one of the most valuable skills to nurture from the toddler age. Creativity comes in various forms, ranging between dancing, reading, drawing, sculpturing and painting, writing, and imaginative play.  Often, people believe that resourcefulness and imaginative skills are in-built talents and not a skill taught...

A guide to child care

Happy Mother Guide

Finding fun activities and things that bring happiness is pretty hard and not convenient for most moms. Moms tend to put everyone as a priority rather than themselves. Their focus is usually on what brings their little ones’ joy, their daily work, or what their partner enjoys. However, amid all the stress...

10 Benefits of Early Education

There is no doubt that parents go to extreme lengths so their kids can access only the very best — the highest-quality education, feeding, protection, etc. From the toddler stage to the teen years, children undergo a shocking amount of growth and development.  By the time your little one is done...

Fun Activities for Toddlers During Bath Time

Fun Activities for Toddlers During Bath Time

Bath time is a vital part of a kid’s daily routine.  It is either fun or a very stressful activity, depending on factors like your little one’s exhaustion level and several other things. But overall, children enjoy bath time, especially if they get to partake in fun activities, play and enjoy...

Make your home safe for your babies and kids

Babyproofing in House

The first months with a new-born are filled with beautiful feeding moments, giggles, and sleeping. When your toddler becomes more independent and masters crawling, their curiosity and adventurous nature tend to put them in harm’s way. For expectant parents, it is usually overwhelming to check around the house for changes to...